On our trips, we’ve met lots of people who also share a love of travelling. And, when we’ve asked them if they’ve been to Australia, most say no. Otherwise, if they have been, Sydney is usually the place tourists travel to.
Yet, with Melbourne only about an hour’s flight south of Sydney… visitors will be rewarded with so many memorable things to see and do. And, while we may be biased… we recommend you include Victoria’s capital city on your itinerary :)
Plus, Melbourne has a network of public buses, trains and trams to conveniently get around. And, the great thing is in 2015… Melbourne was to have a free tram zone in the CBD and out to the Docklands.
Yet, there is often confusion about the Melbourne free tram area. And, that uncertainty is not only from tourists, but from locals too!
Thus, in this blog post I’ll run through 3 tips on using the Melbourne free tram zone. So, hopefully it’ll help make your travels in Melbourne easier.
Tip 1: Understand Melbourne’s Free Tram Zone Area Before You Go
So, I don’t expect you to know the streets of Melbourne, let alone how to get around! Yet, here’s a Melbourne Free Tram Zone map to give you an overview.

And, while this is a handy map to have… there are other prompters to help you stay within the free zone.
So, this includes listening to the announcements on the tram… as it will advise when the last stop is of the free tram zone.
Plus, at the tram stops there’ll be signs stating, “Free Tram Zone.” Otherwise, signs may show, “You’re Leaving The Free Tram Zone” or “This Stop Is Outside The Free Tram Zone.” Thus, keep an eye out for these signs.
And, at the tram stop there’s a digital display… which shows the upcoming trams and how many minutes until their arrival. Then, when you look above this display, it will state if that stop is in the free tram zone.
Now, one common spot that that catches tourists out… is near the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Crown Casino area.
The last stop for the Melbourne free tram zone around these landmarks is Stop 124, Batman Park. Then from here, it’s a few minutes or so walk to these places anyway.
Yet, you’d think that the government would’ve extended the free tram zone by 1 more stop!
Even so, at least you can get snapshots of Melbourne’s landscape with the Yarra River.
Tip 2: Be Careful Of Listening To Others For Information
OK, so you’re entrusting me to give you information about the Melbourne Free Tram Zone. And, at the time of writing this blog, I’ve done my best to give you accurate information. Yet, be wary of asking others to provide the right information.
And, that’s because I’ve overheard “locals” tell tourists that they didn’t need a Myki card… based on where they were traveling to. Yet, I knew 100% that this was incorrect. Thus, I’d have to let the tourists know the right info.
So, to be sure, ask a customer service officer who may be at the tram stop… or on the tram. Otherwise, try to get to the front of the tram. Then, ask the tram driver if where you’re traveling is in the Melbourne Free Tram Zone.
And, they’d usually let you know when to exit the tram. But, I’ve seen signs saying not to speak to the driver when the tram is moving. And, that’s most likely to ensure the tram driver is focusing on the driving.
So, while the tram doesn’t go very fast… people and even animals run unexpectedly across the tram tracks causing the driver to slam the brakes. Plus, I’ve even seen cyclists get their wheels caught in the tram tracks and they’ve flipped over.
Thus, best to ask the driver when getting onto the tram!
Tip 3: You Don’t Need To Get A Myki Card In The Free Tram Zone
So, when you’re travelling in the Melbourne Free Tram Zone, you don’t need a Myki Card. And, this is convenient for tourists… as it can be a pain having to work out how to get a card, let alone how to top it up.
Yet, beyond this free area… you’ll need a Myki Card, otherwise you could be hit with an on-the-spot fine of AUD $75.
So, if you’ll be traveling outside the free tram zone there are several options. And, for tourists, there’s even an offer of a Myki Explorer Card. To find out more, CLICK HERE.
BONUS Tip: Get The Free Tourist Tram For 100% Assurance
So, when you’re in the Melbourne CBD, there is another free tram service.
And, these trams were put in place for tourists as a hop on, hop off service. So, the number 35, City Circle route has the old style trams. These trams are usually a maroon colour, plus sometimes the trams can be green.

Yet, make sure you look out for “35” and “City Circle.”
Now, if you’ve never been on a tram before… it might be worth your while to experience something nostalgic in Melbourne.
And on the City Circle trams, the voice over will advise of certain landmarks on the route. Thus, you can get off at the stop if it interests you. Plus, there are normally tourist brochures on board… as well as an officer for any help.
So, while these trams only go via one route, not as frequently, and finish earlier than the Free Tram Zone trams… you won’t get confused about if you have to pay or not!
And, that’s because the City Circle trams are completely free.
So, those were 3 tips on using the Melbourne Free Tram Zone.
And, as I did say earlier, if you can squeeze Melbourne into your itinerary, you’ll be rewarded with a wonderful cultural experiences… as well as amazing sights, and delights for foodie lovers.
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